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BioMouse — a multi-purpose psychophysiological laboratory in a computer mouse

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About “BioMouse”



It is personnel that mainly creates successful and efficient company’s activity. Statistically the vast majority of all the emergencies and accidents on the railways, at the electric and nuclear power engineering facilities, in aviation occur through personnel’s fault. We face the influence of the “human factor”, while the technique’s functioning stays stable. Stresses, fatigue, weak health, psychical overstrain result in worse economic values for the whole branch and failures.


The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station caused by the concurrence of the personnel’s errors is a shining example of the human factor importance. This accident took away thousands of lives, though it could have been prevented…

There’s a solution for a "human factor" problem – the "BioMouse" complex. This unique mini-laboratory in a computer mouse incontestably contributes in saving physical and psychological health of the personnel occupied in dangerous industries. With the appearance of BioMouse you get a real chance to control the employees’ states and moods, so you can foresee and prevent their tiredness and lapses.


What would you do, if you need a fair, reliable and trustworthy staff, for they have access to x-files and important information (e.g. security services in a bank)?
How can you know if the person is psychically stable and not addicted (e.g. security in your company)?
How can you find out, whether the employee matches the requirements and is ready for work?
How to find the potential leaders and learn more about the relations in a team?

BioMouse answers all these questions and more!



BioMouse and YOU


BioMouse is so multipurpose that you can utilize it to find the solutions for earthly and personal problems. It assists you to control your physical load if you take exercise. It helps a pupil to choose a profession in correspondence with his/her aptitudes and character. You can find out nearly everything about your adolescent kid’s mind-sets towards family, school, drugs.


BioMouse can be your guide to understand yourself and others better!





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